All posts tagged “Social Media

Speaking and Training

Speaking and Training is one area that Adrienne McLean helps Service Professionals to become aware and learn skills to grow their business.

In January 2019, Adrienne McLean spoke at the Community of Practice – Women in Business for Ryde City Council. This is a women’s business group – Adrienne spoke on the business development process following the BookYourselfSolid® business building approach. This presentation is available to business groups and networking functions.

Adrienne has the following programs to achieve these outcomes -1. Professional Services – Information Forum – Hornsby a networking group helping connect Service Professionals in the Upper North Shore of Sydney – with specialists available to answer those niggling marketing and financial questions. Net

2. Marketing Skills for Professionals – is a masterclass for Service Professionals in how marketing works and gives the Service Professional the opportunity to put their business into the business development and marketing system “BookYourselfSolid” – identified is what is working, what needs addressing and the action points to work on. This is truely working “On” your business NOT in your business.

3. Presentation Skills for Professionals– is a Presentation Skills masterclass – for Service Professionals wanting to build their confidence in public speaking and confidently get up and present in front of groups. The prestigious presentation skills workshop , the SpeakersTrainingCamp is the program followed – the same as presented by SuccessWorksUSA – an energetic group is established achieving amazing presentations.

4. Technology and Digital Marketing for Professionals– this program is for Service Professionals that find the new world of social media and digital marketing challenging. Attendees need to bring along their laptops or tablets, connect to the internet (complimentary) and then undertake an audit of their business. We discuss ways of increasing visibility and awareness of your business via the internet. This is another example of working “On” your business NOT in your business.

5. Marketing Discovery Audits – both in the business and digital marketing audits are done to see where the marketing is up to, how developed and well established the marketing is and how well it is working. Assessed is what is working, what is not working and what needs to be done to increase awareness and visibility of the business.

6. BookYourselfSolid Online Marketing Workshops – this 5 week program takes Service Professionals and people thinking of starting a business through the powerful marketing system “BookYourselfSolid”. This workshop goes through the methodology and has exercises to really help you work on your marketing, look at what is working, what needs addressing and what can be implemented to increase visibility and awareness of your business.

This is a cost effective way to explore marketing and is run.   Program costs $400 + GST for individuals at a agreed time or  $250 + GST per person  for the 5 week course for groups on Monday evenings starting at 7.30pm to 9pm using Skype.

5.  Get Better at Marketing – this program guides you through each step of the “BookYourselfSolid” marketing system along with building confidence to promote yourself. With a structured program, you will build your marketing effectiveness and get more clients.

6.  Advanced  Marketing Skills – this program is a continuation of the Get Better at Marketing – builds the skills associated with raising your profile and connecting with your audience both digitally and in person.

7.  Making Things Happen – this is our mentoring program. An individualised program to “Make Things Happen”. By using the framework of the BookYourselfSolid marketing system and continuous improvement approaches, individualised programs are developed to help you get more clients and become more productive.

8. Marketing Plan Masterclass – this program goes through the Australian government Marketing plan and explains each segment. Attendees work on preparing a marketing plan for their business.

Our rates are:

Individualised hourly rate – $125 + GST
Mentoring 4 hours per month – $500 + GST
Daily rate – $750 + GST

Sign up for Mentoring – either 3 month, 6 month or Ongoing after 6 months and receive 10% off workshops.