All posts tagged “fear

You’ve got this!

The days between Christmas and New Year are a great time to take a bit of time out to decide what you want out of the next year.

2020 has shown us that upheavals happen. Expect the unexpected!

However, we can still move forward, with intention about what we want to achieve. Starting the year with intentions helps, goal setting and imagining what we’re wanting from the year.Of course, New Years Resolutions have the reputation for not being achieved.

However, think about your intentions, what you are wanting to achieve, accountability partners really help, if you’re wanting these things, how can you make them happen?

I’m a fan of the incredible writer and author , Steven Pressfield.  Steven’s books , The War on Art and Turning Pro are simply essential reading for any entrepreneur, artist or writer. Anyone who is being creative, finds they are facing time when they are not getting done the things they should or are procrastinating and wants more, needs to read these two books. You can hear the audible version on YouTube – Turning Pro – Audiobook spoken by Steven Pressfield

In your role as an entrepreneur, you are a leader, you are forging new ground, facing things outside of your comfort zone. You are needing to experience learning experiences which might make you uncomfortable or cause you to procrastinate. You may be getting fearful of what may (or may not) happen. Here’s Simon Sinek speaking on the topic of “How to get people to follow you”   Leadership is an important skill.

Take some time out during this quieter time. Ask yourself –

What are my intentions for 2021?

What do you want to achieve in the next 90days, 180 days, year, 3 years ?

How are you going to do this?

You’ve got this!

I’ve a suite of tools to help with goal setting, continuous improvement, systems and growth. If you’d like to have a chat email me on