All posts filed under “Let’s Talk Marketing

Adrienne McLean – Ku-ring-gai Council Elections 2021

The NSW Local Government Council Elections were held for all council electorates with the Elections on 4th December, 2021.This was a great experience for Adrienne McLean to use her marketing and sales skills to promote herself in this election. Personal selling is important for all business owners and this political election tested and stretched her skills.

This is the time of year when community members who are keen to give back to their community nominate and go through the local government election process to be a councillor for their local council.

These individuals are leaders who want to see their community looked after for future generations. In Ku-ring-gai, the community wants the services and amenities of beautiful bushland environments, tree lined streets, conservative and appropriate suburban development available for families, youth, seniors.

Adrienne returned to Turramurra in 1997 with her husband and has raised her three children in the Wahroonga ward.

Adrienne McLean is 4th Generation Ku-ring-gai and Wahroonga Ward resident. Adrienne’s Grand Parents on her father’s side, John and Elsie Forster with their son and new bride Keith and Jocelyn Forster moved to Turramurra in 1956. Adrienne McLean was brought home from the Sydney Adventist hospital to be raised with them in Turramurra. Keith and Jocelyn Forster ran a small business for 45 years.

Adrienne’s Great-Grandmother , Winnefrid Cole moved to Pymble with her daughter and son-in-law, Bessie and George Chambers in the mid 1960s. Adrienne grew up with a strong connection with her Grandparents and Great Grandmother.

Ku-ring-gai council electorate is a combination of people who move to our area because it offers a beautiful place to raise a family , as well as, generations of families who love the district.

Community members running for council all have an interest in looking after our community. Some are first generation, some are from overseas, some have a longer connection with the community, what all these residents , keen to go on council ,have in common is an interest to preserve and look after our community. Adrienne is one of those residents who wants to make a difference and give back to our beautiful community in the Wahroonga Ward in the Ku-ring-gai council electorate.

With Adrienne McLean’s strong connection with the Ku-ring-gai community , Adrienne wants to build on this community connection, help where there are issues and enhance facilities. within the jurisdiction of council.

Adrienne McLean has had a professional career as an Industrial Chemist graduating with Bachelor of Science Hons (Syd). Adrienne , after the arrival of her 3 beautiful children, became a business consultant helping small business owners with business development, quality business systems, product development, marketing and sales skills. Her consultancy, The Speakers Practice, was established in 2009 and offers business development growth with attention to personal selling, marketing and sales skills.

Adrienne McLean has been involved with the Ku-ring-gai community with the following associations:

Triple H – Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Community radio – Board member for 5 years, Presenter since June 2017 on Monday – Focus, Afternoon drive-time on Mondays. Completed over 500 interviews with
the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai community.

Adrienne interviews :
– Local members of Parliament – Alister Henskens SC MP , Matt Kean MP, Jonothan O’Dea MP and Damian Tudehope SC MP
– Councillors including Peter Kelly, John Pettett, Sam Ngai, Christine Kay
– Mayor Jennifer Anderson and Mayor Philip Ruddock
– Federal Members of Parliament – Paul Fletcher MP and Julian Leeser MP
– Adrienne regularly speaks with members of Turramurra Rotary, St Ives Rotary, Wahroonga Rotary, Lions Club – Berowra and Hornsby, Mentoring Men, Womens Shelters Australia, Country Womens Association – Hornsby branch and many not for profits and charities.

North Turramurra Action Group – member for 2 years, on committee since November, 2020.

Turramurra Trotters – member since November 2016. A walker!

Ku-ring-gai Orchid Society – Member from 1998 – 2001 – on committee for PR. Resumed membership Feb 2020, current member.

St Ives Toastmasters – from May 2002 – 2015. Awarded the Distinguished Toastmasters Award in 2012 – DTM.

Turramurra Curves – Ladies gym , membership since 2017, current.

Can you help with Adrienne McLean’s campaign?
Adrienne McLean together with her daughter Elizabeth McLean are running as a group for the upcoming election. .

If you would like to support Adrienne McLean with her campaign to become a Councillor on Ku-ring-gai council, you can help with donations to the following account :
BSB: 633 000 Account Number: 184 767 580

Your political donation to this group of candidates is a gift made to or for the benefit of the group.

Political donations can be accepted , as this group is registered for the election with the NSW Electoral Commission.

All political donations must be made to or by the person responsible for the group and paid into or from the campaign account. Adrienne McLean is the person responsible and will issue receipts or acknowledgements for all reportable political donations received by the group.

What an experience!

Contact Adrienne McLean, on or mobile 0414 367 960 for more details.

Speak Up & Stand Out! Bi-Monthly Newsletter

Speaking about achieving goals.

At the beginning of the New Year, we like to make those New Year Resolutions but they have the reputation of getting lost along the way.

There is a way of achieving goals that makes us feel good , as well as, getting the job done!

Break big goals down into multiple, smaller goals. We can create a series of little finish lines making achieving the big goal much more manageable.

If you’re interested in goal setting, then you will have heard of SMART goals.

– Specific

– Measurable

– Achievable

– Realistic

– Time constraint

To actually get the goal achieved, if the Specific Goal is broken down into smaller parts then the large goal is not as daunting and is more manageable.

Then, once the smaller goal is achieved, it is important to celebrate whenever you complete the small goal. Recognising accomplishments, no matter what size, has a big impact increasing motivation and productivity.

Then, you will have a number of celebrations and perhaps enjoy completing the large goal even more!

Test this out!

Email for the ways we can help or ring on 0414 367 960.

You’ve got this!

The days between Christmas and New Year are a great time to take a bit of time out to decide what you want out of the next year.

2020 has shown us that upheavals happen. Expect the unexpected!

However, we can still move forward, with intention about what we want to achieve. Starting the year with intentions helps, goal setting and imagining what we’re wanting from the year.Of course, New Years Resolutions have the reputation for not being achieved.

However, think about your intentions, what you are wanting to achieve, accountability partners really help, if you’re wanting these things, how can you make them happen?

I’m a fan of the incredible writer and author , Steven Pressfield.  Steven’s books , The War on Art and Turning Pro are simply essential reading for any entrepreneur, artist or writer. Anyone who is being creative, finds they are facing time when they are not getting done the things they should or are procrastinating and wants more, needs to read these two books. You can hear the audible version on YouTube – Turning Pro – Audiobook spoken by Steven Pressfield

In your role as an entrepreneur, you are a leader, you are forging new ground, facing things outside of your comfort zone. You are needing to experience learning experiences which might make you uncomfortable or cause you to procrastinate. You may be getting fearful of what may (or may not) happen. Here’s Simon Sinek speaking on the topic of “How to get people to follow you”   Leadership is an important skill.

Take some time out during this quieter time. Ask yourself –

What are my intentions for 2021?

What do you want to achieve in the next 90days, 180 days, year, 3 years ?

How are you going to do this?

You’ve got this!

I’ve a suite of tools to help with goal setting, continuous improvement, systems and growth. If you’d like to have a chat email me on

Goal Setting for 2021

Yes, it is that time of year!

Time to sit down, reflect over and look at what is to be achieved for 2021.

Most people will agree that 2020 has been an extremely tough year. For so many reasons.

2021 is going to be moving into a new norm. What can we do to thrive ?

Take some time, write down you ambitions and think about how this is going to happen.









Here are 10 questions to consider:

  1.   How do you feel 2020 went ?
  2. What were some of the lessons from 2021?
  3. Check out the Wellness Wheel – what do you identify you’d like to work on personally and professionally?
  4. Do you use plans? How effective is it to make a plan?
  5. Do you like goal setting?
  6. How do setting SMART goals work?
  7. Do you work with 90 day plans?
  8. What are three goals you would like to achieve for 2021?
  9. How can the DEMING cycle help?   PLAN – DO – CHECK – ACT
  10. Do you have someone to keep you accountable ?

If you would like to discuss this, contact Adrienne McLean on  and arrange a time. Putting time into your planning and accountabilities will really support your efforts to make this goal a reality.

Small Business Month of October

Excited for #NSWGovernment #SmallBusinessMonthOctober.

I owe a lot to #smallbusiness . My parents ran a #speciality electrical engineering #business. They purchased the business and I became a Director at the age of 12 yrs. For a child that is a big thing and I always felt being proud to be part of a business. That business gave me a great upbringing, an education, my first job, it taught me so many things about day to day running of a business.

Also, the business would come home at night. My parents would have some dinner and often would be doing something that needed to be done that couldn’t be done during the day. The weekends always had some tasks to be done, sometimes me and my brother would help. You can’t help but see the pressures, long hours, the importance of customers over our weekend time. Running a business is a huge undertaking.

It is not always easy. There are difficulties, challenges, pressures and business owners are always learning.

The #NSWGovernment #Smallbusinessmonth during October , this is showcasing #Professionals with a variety of #skills and #experience to help Small Businesses. Here’s the link if you want to find out more –

For my work, I help small businesses especially #Serviceprofessionals in three areas:

♦️ #PeoplePersonal Selling – Mentoring and training – Marketing & Content marketing eg Presentations, Public speaking, Speaking to Camera, Podcasting and Online programs

♦️#ProcessMarketing, Sales & Business Development – Understanding the business systems – the #BookYourselfSolid business building system is a systematic approach for getting more clients. Understanding what is happening in the business development process and then implementing approaches that work will bring in more prospects and ultimately clients.

♦️#ProductivityGrowth & Improvement – Looking to always be improving. Continual Improvement can bring in more clients, save and reduce expenses and make the running of the business more efficient.

Looking forward to posting my #programs during #Smallbusinessmonth, look out for them!


Adrienne McLean is a BookYourselfSolid® Certified Coach, SpeakersTrainingCamp® Internationally Accredited Instructor and the Principle of The Speakers Practice. Offering Business Building mentoring, marketing discovery audits, online training programs, Public Speaking for Professionals, Effective On-Camera Presenting workshop and much more.

Email on or ring on 0414 367 960

Adrienne Newsletter for May, 2020

With changes in our world changing week by week, it is important to keep up our motivation, focus and keep moving forward to help our clients we are meant to serve.

This week’s Motivation

Our Essential “Keeping in Touch” approach: 
These are simple marketing activities to raise your profile. Instead of being overwhelmed about what to do next. This simple daily checklist can help with starting the day off connecting with clients and prospects to grow your business.
1. Contact at least 3 people of your network every day – 21 people by next Monday!
2. Look for and introduce yourself to 1 new person of influence each day – 5 new contacts by next Monday!
3. Give someone some business – refer and be referred!
4. Create some content – a newsletter, blog, video, vlog , article, eBook
5. Top up your Social Media sharing information of relevance to your audience
Listen in to our podcast series “Think Bigger, Grow and Succeed” 
For some motivation and hearing professionals experience, you can listen in to live interviews on  Friday mornings, 9 – 10am on Triple H 100.1FM.
 Adrienne McLean interviews Professionals for Series 2 of Think Bigger, Grow and Succeed on the theme of “Moving forward after Disruption”. You can listen to past interviews on Mixcloud, Think Bigger, Grow and Succeed
What’s coming up in June?

As Service Professionals running your own business, you may have heard me talking about the BookYourselfSolid®️ business building approach.

Starting 3rd June, I’m going to be running a 6 week BookYourselfSolid®️ Masterclass Intensive. We will be going through step by step through the process so you can put your business into the system, ask questions and really understand the business building approach to getting more clients.

Check out this video about our upcoming intensive. There’s only going to be a limited number of spots so we can really help each business be able to integrate the work into their business. Each session will have training and then a time for Questions and Answers to maximise each session.

f you have any questions about our Masterclass Intensive or you’re looking for some assistance on a specific question, please email me on and I’d be delighted to assist.

Networking to build your business

Networking functions help Service Professionals to build their audience, grow their skills and connect with other businesses to build opportunities to refer.

Networking helps to raise your profile, make connections and have you talk about what you do. All the important parts that go together to build a reputation.

Networking is:

  • meeting with people one-on-one,
  • sending personalised emails
  • attending networking functions
  • building an online community

Things to think about:

🔆 Your brand and your reputation are very closely aligned. Nurture your reputation and build your brand.

🔆 Networking is one of the parts that go along the business development process and how important it is to keep in contact with your audience.

🔆 It takes anywhere from 5 to 15 touch points to make a sale so Service Professionals need to be keeping in touch with their audience.  When you network face to face with someone or pick up the phone and have a constructive conversation, these are useful touch points in the process of building trust.

 The focus of The Speakers Practice is to help Service Professionals with navigating the business development journey and building confidence with strong presentations and going out to promote themselves.

This is not always as easy as it seems. 

Adrienne McLean is a BookYourselfSolid® Certified Coach, SpeakersTrainingCamp® Internationally Accredited Instructor and the Principle of The Speakers Practice. Offering marketing discovery audits, online training programs, Public Speaking for Professionals, Effective On-Camera Presenting workshop and much more.

Email on or ring on 0414 367 960

Thinking Bigger for Business Development

Thinking bigger about our business and what the business offers the world can propel the business into areas of growth never imaged. This can aslo keep the business refreshed and keeping up with constant changes, market forces and what is happening locally and internationally. 

Getting stuck in always doing the same thing the same way, may seem reproducible and efficient, but have you seen how others are doing this? When was your process created? Being able to offer a service or product well is of course good business, are you doing this the most effient way today as opposed to 10 years ago? Are there new markets to go into? Are there new products you can offer to the same market? 

The manufacturing industry is one example of this, where the businesses that didn’t really look at cost cutting and moving manufacturing to China have had issues with costs from labour and production costs. 

The business development process may be simply implementing a culture of continuous improvement or it may be looking for the next big growth step. Whichever stage the business is in, these 5 steps are important for thinking bigger about the business and focusing in on what the business is offering customers and prospects. 

1. Innovation 

New approaches, efficiency and better delivery of the service/product to the customer are the driving forces for innovation and growth.  Being aware of what is happening in the industry and market place is essential. Be ware if you don’t because another company will. 

Thinking bigger about your business and offerings is the driving force behind innovation. Wanting to be the best, wanting to offer a brilliant service, wanting to reach more clients than ever thought possible. All these mindsets will help drive the innovation your busienss needs for business development. 

2. Planning 

Being bold and having high expectations in all areas of the project will get the business out of the comfort zone and propel the business forward. 

To make these changes and improvements needs planning.  These may have a timeframe of one or two year or more to implement the projects. It all depends on the size of the change and what is trying to be achieved. 

Set down a pathway for growth. Have the Owners, management and staff do the education to make the changes. Put a plan in action to realise the goals. 

The planning process needs to be one and two years ahead, the timing is all dependent on the size and complexity of the projects. 

3. Action Goals

This involves goal setting and focus. Setting intention goals, revisiting and checking off completion of tasks. 

The following are important: 

  • Keep goals easy to see as reminders
  • Check in daily and weekly to see you’re on target
  • Set SMART goals – Specific, Measureable, ACtionable, Realistic and Timely
  • Celebrate when the tasks are checked off and the goals achieved. 
  • Reset goals that are bigger and will stretch you and the business further.  

4. Collaboration

Constantly be looking for strategic partners who can help you in the pursuit of your aspirations. These are people who you may (or may not) do business with but who can help you in the journey of where you are wanting to go. 

By building collaborations, this can help with building referral partners, addliate marketing, growing your connections and the ability to get your message out there.
Building long term relationships 

5. Measurement

Measurement is pivotal. It keeps the business honest. Choose the measurements in two areas

 – Financial – Profit and Loss, Cash Flow 

  • Sales & Marketing – Number of Leads in Pipeline, Lead Generation, Views of Website, Number of Sales Calls, Amount of sales and so on. 
  • Personel and teams – appropriate metrics to motivate and keep the individuals and teams on task. 

Choose measurements that are meaningful to your business. 

Encouraging teams, giving rewards & celebrating the successes are important for keeping a postivity and valued culture for growth and business development. 

In Summary:

A mindset of growth and development with thinking bigger about your business offering is the way to build the business and achieve business & personal aspriations. Focusing actively in on Innovation, Planning, Action Goals, Collaborations and Measurement will propel business development further and in a successful pathway. 

Do  an audit on your business and check out where these 5 steps are. This will highlight steps for the business to think bigger and look at growth strategies. 

Adrienne McLean

Adrienne McLean,The Speakers Practice helps Professionals with Business Development, Marketing & Communications. Email Adrienne on or ring on mobile 0414 367 960.

” How content positions you as an expert ” – Business Success Strategy interview with Luke Chaffey

Raising awareness of your topic or niche by using content is the perfect way to position you as an expert in your field. You can deliver information that can really build recognition of your brand and display your knowledge in easily digested methods.

Here’s the Business Success Strategy interview with Luke Chaffey, Kochies Business Builders – Digital – Luke really goes into detail about the benefits of creating content, how to create content that connects and discusses problems that your audience faces.

There is really “meaty” information right through the interview so get a cup of tea and spend 30 mins listening to Luke’s approaches and information.

Adrienne McLean, a Business Development coach who helps professionals to get more clients, move forward and build confidence to get the sales flowing in. Ring Adrienne McLean on 0414 367 960 or email on for more details.