All posts tagged “sales

Unlock your Potential with Adrienne

At, in our Business Coaching , we  help professionals unlock their potential and achieve growth. Our hands-on approach focuses on personalised support, proven strategies, and actionable solutions tailored to your unique business needs.

Personalised Mentoring: Achieve Your Goals

Clear Guidance for Business Owners

Feeling stuck? Our one-on-one mentoring identifies blind spots, streamlines workflows, and equips you with tools to increase sales. Each session is designed to align your business structure with your goals, ensuring sustainable progress.

Key Benefits:

•Uncover hidden challenges
•Create efficient systems
•Develop strategies for growth

Practical Support: Marketing, Sales, and More

From Planning to Execution

Knowing what to do is one thing—implementing it effectively is another. We assist with marketing campaigns, sales processes, and business development tasks. By offering practical support, our Business Coaching helps you turn plans into results.

The Speakers Practice: Master Communication

Confident Presentations, Better Results

Elevate your public speaking and presentation skills with The Speakers Practice. Whether pitching to clients, recording a podcast, or hosting webinars, we provide targeted training to enhance communication and boost confidence.

What You’ll Gain:

•Deliver impactful speeches
•Improve audience engagement
•Build credibility and trust

Amplify Results: A System for Service Professionals

Simplify Marketing and Sales

Dislike marketing? Amplify Results is for professionals focused on their work but struggling with business growth. Using the Book Yourself Solid® approach, we create a clear, manageable system to attract clients and increase revenue.

Annual Conference: Learn, Connect, Grow

Professional Services Marketing Conference

Join us for an inspiring event where business owners, marketers, and consultants come together. Gain insights into digital strategies, sales techniques, and mindset practices.

Next Event:

Christmas Networking for Consultants, Coaches and Small Business Owners

Running a business comes with its challenges, but it also offers countless opportunities for growth and success. Join us at The Speakers Practice Christmas Networking Event to celebrate the end of the year with like-minded business owners!

This special gathering is your chance to:

Unwind and network with fellow professionals
Celebrate accomplishments while looking forward to new opportunities
Enjoy a delicious lunch and your choice of beverage in a warm, festive setting. You’ll also have the opportunity to share about your business, how you support your clients, and explore opportunities for collaboration.

Business Growth Session
We’ll host a session designed to provide practical tools, fresh perspectives, and collaborative support to help you kickstart 2025 with renewed energy and focus.

Festive Flourish Unleashed
Infuse the season’s joy into your strategies! This session will help you optimize your approach, celebrate achievements, and stride confidently into the new year with a plan to thrive.

Date: 19th December 2024
Celebrate, connect, and enjoy a festive lunch with like-minded professionals.
Click here to book

#marketing #digitalmarketing #sales #mindset #businessgrowth #businessbuilding #contentmarketing # publicspeakingskills #presentationskills #growth

Comparing Learnings from being a candidate in a Council Election and Business Growth


There’s a timeless quotation from US President Theodore Roosevelt Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.”

Recently, I went in a local government election. It actually was a challenging experience and as it is the second time, I should have known better. An election is a complex process and I am impressed with anyone who goes in as a candidate and should they win, it must be a huge high.

Here’s an overview of my comparison and learnings from going through a Council Election and running a business.

Both running for council and growing a business require leadership, resilience, and connecting with people. Here’s how lessons from my local government campaign align with business growth strategies:

1. Authenticity Matters

• Council Campaign: I focused on real community issues like local facilities and cultural spaces. While some candidates relied on charm, my authenticity built trust.

• Business Growth: In business, addressing genuine customer needs drives success. Offering value-driven solutions builds strong relationships and loyalty.

2. Real Value vs. Self-Promotion

• Council Campaign: My focus was on delivering solutions for community issues like improvements for the community, rather than self-promotion. This resonated with many voters.

• Business Growth: Clients look for real value. Businesses should position themselves as problem solvers, offering meaningful solutions that impact their audience’s lives.

3. Resilience Through Setbacks

• Council Campaign: Political setbacks, like backroom deals, revealed challenges. However, they strengthened my understanding of the process and my resolve to advocate for the community.

• Business Growth: In business, setbacks are inevitable. Resilience and a clear strategy ensure continued growth despite challenges.

4. Listening and Connecting with the Community

• Council Campaign: Listening to residents’ concerns was key to aligning my campaign with community needs.

• Business Growth: Actively listening to customers builds trust. Two-way communication ensures businesses deliver solutions that resonate.

5. Continuous Improvement

• Council Campaign: Despite not winning, I gained a better understanding of community priorities, helping refine future approaches.

• Business Growth: Continuous improvement through feedback and performance metrics keeps businesses competitive and drives growth.

Conclusion: Moving Forward with Confidence

The lessons from my council run—authenticity, delivering real value, resilience, listening, and continuous improvement—are just as essential in business as they are in a political campaign.

Whether in politics or business, staying committed to your mission, learning from challenges, and focusing on the needs of those you serve ensures success. These insights will continue to guide both my community work and business growth.

My work involves coaching experienced Experts who are brilliant at their expertise but they find it challenging when it comes to promoting themselves, creating presentations, using speaking as a marketing strategy and simply going out of their comfort zone to achieve their desired business initiative. This is where my work with and Experts to grow their business by using speaking as a marketing strategy.

My final learning is that you have to be in the arena to achieve your goals and aspirations.


Adrienne McLean – Ku-ring-gai Council Elections 2021

The NSW Local Government Council Elections were held for all council electorates with the Elections on 4th December, 2021.This was a great experience for Adrienne McLean to use her marketing and sales skills to promote herself in this election. Personal selling is important for all business owners and this political election tested and stretched her skills.

This is the time of year when community members who are keen to give back to their community nominate and go through the local government election process to be a councillor for their local council.

These individuals are leaders who want to see their community looked after for future generations. In Ku-ring-gai, the community wants the services and amenities of beautiful bushland environments, tree lined streets, conservative and appropriate suburban development available for families, youth, seniors.

Adrienne returned to Turramurra in 1997 with her husband and has raised her three children in the Wahroonga ward.

Adrienne McLean is 4th Generation Ku-ring-gai and Wahroonga Ward resident. Adrienne’s Grand Parents on her father’s side, John and Elsie Forster with their son and new bride Keith and Jocelyn Forster moved to Turramurra in 1956. Adrienne McLean was brought home from the Sydney Adventist hospital to be raised with them in Turramurra. Keith and Jocelyn Forster ran a small business for 45 years.

Adrienne’s Great-Grandmother , Winnefrid Cole moved to Pymble with her daughter and son-in-law, Bessie and George Chambers in the mid 1960s. Adrienne grew up with a strong connection with her Grandparents and Great Grandmother.

Ku-ring-gai council electorate is a combination of people who move to our area because it offers a beautiful place to raise a family , as well as, generations of families who love the district.

Community members running for council all have an interest in looking after our community. Some are first generation, some are from overseas, some have a longer connection with the community, what all these residents , keen to go on council ,have in common is an interest to preserve and look after our community. Adrienne is one of those residents who wants to make a difference and give back to our beautiful community in the Wahroonga Ward in the Ku-ring-gai council electorate.

With Adrienne McLean’s strong connection with the Ku-ring-gai community , Adrienne wants to build on this community connection, help where there are issues and enhance facilities. within the jurisdiction of council.

Adrienne McLean has had a professional career as an Industrial Chemist graduating with Bachelor of Science Hons (Syd). Adrienne , after the arrival of her 3 beautiful children, became a business consultant helping small business owners with business development, quality business systems, product development, marketing and sales skills. Her consultancy, The Speakers Practice, was established in 2009 and offers business development growth with attention to personal selling, marketing and sales skills.

Adrienne McLean has been involved with the Ku-ring-gai community with the following associations:

Triple H – Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Community radio – Board member for 5 years, Presenter since June 2017 on Monday – Focus, Afternoon drive-time on Mondays. Completed over 500 interviews with
the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai community.

Adrienne interviews :
– Local members of Parliament – Alister Henskens SC MP , Matt Kean MP, Jonothan O’Dea MP and Damian Tudehope SC MP
– Councillors including Peter Kelly, John Pettett, Sam Ngai, Christine Kay
– Mayor Jennifer Anderson and Mayor Philip Ruddock
– Federal Members of Parliament – Paul Fletcher MP and Julian Leeser MP
– Adrienne regularly speaks with members of Turramurra Rotary, St Ives Rotary, Wahroonga Rotary, Lions Club – Berowra and Hornsby, Mentoring Men, Womens Shelters Australia, Country Womens Association – Hornsby branch and many not for profits and charities.

North Turramurra Action Group – member for 2 years, on committee since November, 2020.

Turramurra Trotters – member since November 2016. A walker!

Ku-ring-gai Orchid Society – Member from 1998 – 2001 – on committee for PR. Resumed membership Feb 2020, current member.

St Ives Toastmasters – from May 2002 – 2015. Awarded the Distinguished Toastmasters Award in 2012 – DTM.

Turramurra Curves – Ladies gym , membership since 2017, current.

Can you help with Adrienne McLean’s campaign?
Adrienne McLean together with her daughter Elizabeth McLean are running as a group for the upcoming election. .

If you would like to support Adrienne McLean with her campaign to become a Councillor on Ku-ring-gai council, you can help with donations to the following account :
BSB: 633 000 Account Number: 184 767 580

Your political donation to this group of candidates is a gift made to or for the benefit of the group.

Political donations can be accepted , as this group is registered for the election with the NSW Electoral Commission.

All political donations must be made to or by the person responsible for the group and paid into or from the campaign account. Adrienne McLean is the person responsible and will issue receipts or acknowledgements for all reportable political donations received by the group.

What an experience!

Contact Adrienne McLean, on or mobile 0414 367 960 for more details.

Speak Up & Stand Out! Bi-Monthly Newsletter

You’ve got this!

The days between Christmas and New Year are a great time to take a bit of time out to decide what you want out of the next year.

2020 has shown us that upheavals happen. Expect the unexpected!

However, we can still move forward, with intention about what we want to achieve. Starting the year with intentions helps, goal setting and imagining what we’re wanting from the year.Of course, New Years Resolutions have the reputation for not being achieved.

However, think about your intentions, what you are wanting to achieve, accountability partners really help, if you’re wanting these things, how can you make them happen?

I’m a fan of the incredible writer and author , Steven Pressfield.  Steven’s books , The War on Art and Turning Pro are simply essential reading for any entrepreneur, artist or writer. Anyone who is being creative, finds they are facing time when they are not getting done the things they should or are procrastinating and wants more, needs to read these two books. You can hear the audible version on YouTube – Turning Pro – Audiobook spoken by Steven Pressfield

In your role as an entrepreneur, you are a leader, you are forging new ground, facing things outside of your comfort zone. You are needing to experience learning experiences which might make you uncomfortable or cause you to procrastinate. You may be getting fearful of what may (or may not) happen. Here’s Simon Sinek speaking on the topic of “How to get people to follow you”   Leadership is an important skill.

Take some time out during this quieter time. Ask yourself –

What are my intentions for 2021?

What do you want to achieve in the next 90days, 180 days, year, 3 years ?

How are you going to do this?

You’ve got this!

I’ve a suite of tools to help with goal setting, continuous improvement, systems and growth. If you’d like to have a chat email me on

Networking to build your business

Networking functions help Service Professionals to build their audience, grow their skills and connect with other businesses to build opportunities to refer.

Networking helps to raise your profile, make connections and have you talk about what you do. All the important parts that go together to build a reputation.

Networking is:

  • meeting with people one-on-one,
  • sending personalised emails
  • attending networking functions
  • building an online community

Things to think about:

🔆 Your brand and your reputation are very closely aligned. Nurture your reputation and build your brand.

🔆 Networking is one of the parts that go along the business development process and how important it is to keep in contact with your audience.

🔆 It takes anywhere from 5 to 15 touch points to make a sale so Service Professionals need to be keeping in touch with their audience.  When you network face to face with someone or pick up the phone and have a constructive conversation, these are useful touch points in the process of building trust.

 The focus of The Speakers Practice is to help Service Professionals with navigating the business development journey and building confidence with strong presentations and going out to promote themselves.

This is not always as easy as it seems. 

Adrienne McLean is a BookYourselfSolid® Certified Coach, SpeakersTrainingCamp® Internationally Accredited Instructor and the Principle of The Speakers Practice. Offering marketing discovery audits, online training programs, Public Speaking for Professionals, Effective On-Camera Presenting workshop and much more.

Email on or ring on 0414 367 960

Professional Services Marketing Conference

The Professional Services Marketing Conference is an annual conference focusing in on the business development process from marketing through to sales.

This conference is designed to take attendees through the business development journey – starting with marketing and building trust then going through to the sales process and getting the sale. Mindset is involved along the process & in todays world digital marketing plays a significant role.

The Professional Services Marketing Conference is for B2B Business Owners, Marketing & Sales Executives, Coaches, Consultants and Business Development Managers. This is an information based conference and each speaker has been asked to deliver 3 take-aways activities that can really help the attendees. With highly skilled speakers, it is a full day with lots of value.

There are opportunities for specialists in their field to be able to present – all speakers will be assessed for their speciality and how it fits into the conference theme. The disciplines looked for to be a speaker are within marketing, digital marketing, sales and mindset.

We are building up a community of Service Professionals who are keen to grow their business and understand the practicalities of the process . The community is both the speakers and the conference attendees who are like minded professionals all trying to get ahead in a competitive world.

To see more about the Professional Services Marketing Conference and the speaking line up for the next conference, go to Professional Services Marketing Conference.


Adrienne Membership

Professionals are highly skilled ,however, the business side ie the marketing, sales, delivering presentations, asking for the sale, the world of digital marketing & online tools to help business is where Professionals need assistance.

The Adrienne Membership site is growing a community of Service Professionals who are needing assistance with business development, marketing, sales, digital marketing, mindset and the tools for running a business in the 21st century.

There is an annual conference, the Professional Services Marketing Conference, where specialists in various business development disciplines deliver quality presentations with information for Service Professionals. Whether you are a Business Owner, Business Development Manager , Marketing Manager or a Sales Manager, this conference is designed to take you along the business development journey through marketing, digital marketing, sales and mindset.

Sales Conversations

The ability to have sales conversations is really vital for all business owners. Confidently being able to have a conversation with the air in the room being comfortable and not “salesy” is essential.
The skills associated with well executed sales conversations do need experience and need to be said with a level of confidence. The key is you can only make sales offers that are proportionate with the amount of trust earnt.
This training gives the following:
1. Let Go of Limiting Beliefs and Say it with Confidence
2. Follow the BookYourselfSolid Paradigm of Sales
3. Learn the 4 Part Formula to a successful Sales Conversation
4. You learn the steps for not being a sleazy sales person and learn to be a valued, trusted resource.

Speakers Training Camp

Boost your presentation skills with a dynamic public speaking course
Dynamism, influence, and charm are important elements of public speaking. The Speaker’s Practice operates the SpeakersTrainingCamp®, the best of top-tier public speaking courses, which helps you learn and incorporate the most important qualities of an effective presentation and master public speaking skills.

Hands-on speaking training offered by our speech coach in this course maximises your presentations with improved communication and delivery. You’ll learn how to feel calm and how to deliver the most effective, energetic presentation or speech imaginable.

Here’s what you’ll take away from this intensive public speaking training camp:

Master the magic of memorable presenters
Captivate your audience
Cut preparation time in half
Become more dynamic
Organise your thoughts
Apply 10 techniques for handling nervousness
Maximise your voice
Make dull facts and figures come to life
Handle questions with ease
About SpeakersTrainingCamp®
The SpeakersTrainingCamp® is an elite 2-day program that stands above other public speaking courses. First established in the United States in 1981, SpeakersTrainingCamp® has trained business leaders from companies like Nike, Proctor & Gamble, Owen’s Corning and British Airways with resounding results.

Each course, limited to 12 participants, allows you to simultaneously maximise learning-time by working with other public speakers, as well as benefit from personalised training.

For more details – see The Speakers Practice – Presentation Skills – SpeakersTrainingCamp Workshop