All posts tagged “Clients

Adrienne Membership

Professionals are highly skilled ,however, the business side ie the marketing, sales, delivering presentations, asking for the sale, the world of digital marketing & online tools to help business is where Professionals need assistance.

The Adrienne Membership site is growing a community of Service Professionals who are needing assistance with business development, marketing, sales, digital marketing, mindset and the tools for running a business in the 21st century.

There is an annual conference, the Professional Services Marketing Conference, where specialists in various business development disciplines deliver quality presentations with information for Service Professionals. Whether you are a Business Owner, Business Development Manager , Marketing Manager or a Sales Manager, this conference is designed to take you along the business development journey through marketing, digital marketing, sales and mindset.

Working through the maze of internet based marketing

OK – the Yellow Pages are long gone. Businesses have had to make a lot of changes to keep up with the changing methods of marketing using the internet.  There are tools available now that just weren’t around 10 years ago , even 5 years ago in some cases.

So if you are a Service Professional, what are some of the important internet based or “digital” tools that are needed to be utilised in a business today?

    1. A Digital Footprint – is essential. You must be able to be found on the web.
      If a prospect meets you and are interested in your business, they must be able to search for your business and find you. If this is not the case, the prospect will go to another business and you’ve lost the business.
      A website is really important, this is your on-line brochure but there are other ways of building a digital footprint so you can be found. Social media, article writing, registering with Google and online business directories are just some ways.
    2. Customer Relationship Management tool – CRM – this is a digital record of your clients, connections and prospects. There are free or paid versions. These CRMs build a record of your “touch”points with your audience – social media, emails, phone numbers, etc.
    3. Email Management tools – here you can send out group emails – they are easy to format and you will be able to send out newsletters to groups – these look good and are easy for you to send to many just in one email.
    4. Online assistance – there are many ways of accessing online help which are both inexpensive and very useful. You can get help with all sorts of tasks and all over the web.
    5. Websites – having a website is a credibility builder and a place for prospects to see if your business can help them. This is where branding makes a huge impact, especially, if you are a serviced based business.  If you don’t want to spend money on a website, Google offer a free option that has many options similar to fully developed sites. Worth having a look.
    6. Blogs – writing articles displays you as an expert in your field – writing articles, having your own blog or adding to online magazines are a great way of increasing your digital footprint plus displaying you as an expert.
    7. Video – video is another way to display you as an expert in your field – creating smart phone video and uploading into social media platforms is an easy way to build a following and get your message out there.
    8. Social Media – there are over 300 Social Media platforms – choose the platforms where your Target market are – you just need maybe 1 or 2 and no more than 5 – by uploading your video and blogs as well as posting will enable you to build a Digital Footprint and prospects will be able to find you.
    9. Google Analytics – is important – this is attached to your website – this is important as you can get some metrics about where your contacts are looking, where they are from, how long they stay on your website, etc.

Many find it difficult and overwhelming to know where to start. Spend the time to understand Digital marketing and how to increase your Digital footprint, get to understand the tools as well as implement a marketing system to keep up to date with these tasks. The return will be worth it! With a bit of help, it may be easier than you think!!

Adrienne McLean, a Marketing and Communication Strategist, helps professionals to get more clients and move forward. Ring Adrienne McLean on 0414 367 960 or email on for more details.

The importance of choosing a Target Market

“My products and services suit everyone!”
This may be absolutely true – but where do you do your marketing?

If you don’t have a tight Target Market, your marketing efforts are watered down and you really don’t know where to do your marketing to maximise the return.

There are 3 very important reasons to choose a very specific Target Market.

  1. You will know where to find potential clients
  2. They will know that you are committed to serving them
  3. You can tap into established networks of communication

By having a specific Target Market , it makes knowing where to network so much easier. You will start to see the same people at different functions and you will to get to know them. Then, friendships and trust are developed so when they need your service/product or they know someone who does, they can refer you.

Knowing that you serve a specific Target Market, makes the individual needing your service feel that you understand their problems and needs. It makes the wording of your marketing material easier because you can focus on these needs and concerns as if you are speaking directly to them.

Target markets have their established networks of communication, they talk amongst each other and so you can get referrals much easier. Others will be talking about your good work.

Sit down and have a think about your Target Market ! It’s in your best interests.Adrienne McLean, a Marketing and Communication Strategist, helps professionals to get more clients and move forward. Ring Adrienne McLean on 0414 367 960 or email on for more details.

Speaking and Training

Speaking and Training is one area that Adrienne McLean helps Service Professionals to become aware and learn skills to grow their business.

In January 2019, Adrienne McLean spoke at the Community of Practice – Women in Business for Ryde City Council. This is a women’s business group – Adrienne spoke on the business development process following the BookYourselfSolid® business building approach. This presentation is available to business groups and networking functions.

Adrienne has the following programs to achieve these outcomes -1. Professional Services – Information Forum – Hornsby a networking group helping connect Service Professionals in the Upper North Shore of Sydney – with specialists available to answer those niggling marketing and financial questions. Net

2. Marketing Skills for Professionals – is a masterclass for Service Professionals in how marketing works and gives the Service Professional the opportunity to put their business into the business development and marketing system “BookYourselfSolid” – identified is what is working, what needs addressing and the action points to work on. This is truely working “On” your business NOT in your business.

3. Presentation Skills for Professionals– is a Presentation Skills masterclass – for Service Professionals wanting to build their confidence in public speaking and confidently get up and present in front of groups. The prestigious presentation skills workshop , the SpeakersTrainingCamp is the program followed – the same as presented by SuccessWorksUSA – an energetic group is established achieving amazing presentations.

4. Technology and Digital Marketing for Professionals– this program is for Service Professionals that find the new world of social media and digital marketing challenging. Attendees need to bring along their laptops or tablets, connect to the internet (complimentary) and then undertake an audit of their business. We discuss ways of increasing visibility and awareness of your business via the internet. This is another example of working “On” your business NOT in your business.

5. Marketing Discovery Audits – both in the business and digital marketing audits are done to see where the marketing is up to, how developed and well established the marketing is and how well it is working. Assessed is what is working, what is not working and what needs to be done to increase awareness and visibility of the business.

6. BookYourselfSolid Online Marketing Workshops – this 5 week program takes Service Professionals and people thinking of starting a business through the powerful marketing system “BookYourselfSolid”. This workshop goes through the methodology and has exercises to really help you work on your marketing, look at what is working, what needs addressing and what can be implemented to increase visibility and awareness of your business.

This is a cost effective way to explore marketing and is run.   Program costs $400 + GST for individuals at a agreed time or  $250 + GST per person  for the 5 week course for groups on Monday evenings starting at 7.30pm to 9pm using Skype.

5.  Get Better at Marketing – this program guides you through each step of the “BookYourselfSolid” marketing system along with building confidence to promote yourself. With a structured program, you will build your marketing effectiveness and get more clients.

6.  Advanced  Marketing Skills – this program is a continuation of the Get Better at Marketing – builds the skills associated with raising your profile and connecting with your audience both digitally and in person.

7.  Making Things Happen – this is our mentoring program. An individualised program to “Make Things Happen”. By using the framework of the BookYourselfSolid marketing system and continuous improvement approaches, individualised programs are developed to help you get more clients and become more productive.

8. Marketing Plan Masterclass – this program goes through the Australian government Marketing plan and explains each segment. Attendees work on preparing a marketing plan for their business.

Our rates are:

Individualised hourly rate – $125 + GST
Mentoring 4 hours per month – $500 + GST
Daily rate – $750 + GST

Sign up for Mentoring – either 3 month, 6 month or Ongoing after 6 months and receive 10% off workshops.

Networking and Leadership roles

Networking is mandatory for running a business. Adrienne McLean networks within the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai business community and the wider.  The NSW Business Chamber, the Institute of Managers and Leaders, Hornsby Chamber of Commerce and the Riverside Chamber.

At the NSW Business Chamber, professionals meet, discuss and learn about each others businesses. Connections are made to create business.

Adrienne started up the Professional Services – Information Forum in 2015 and is running successfully today supporting local business owners with networking, getting referrals and integrating into the Upper North Shore business community.

Adrienne McLean was the president of the Hornsby Chamber of Commerce in 2015 working with the committee to raise the membership from about 15 to over 90 members in just one year. The Hornsby business district was looking for their business community and by running events and supporting members, the business community started to build.

In December 2016, Adrienne joined the board of Triple H – the Hornsby Kuringgai community radio station and is a current board member. This community radio is a small business and needs an active board to grow the station so that the community can have a voice and build awareness via the medium of radio. Adrienne’s experience with small business, marketing and management have meant she has been a valuable member of the board helping with community engagement, marketing, event management and more.

Community Involvement Giving Back

Getting involved with the community is important. It raises your profile and displays you as a leader who sees the significance of giving back.

Here’s the 2019 Lions Club Youth of the Year award – in attendance was the Ku-ring-gai Mayor Jennifer Anderson, St Ives Lions club organisers and the four judges. Adrienne McLean was chief judge helping with the running of the judging process. Meeting the amazing students and future leaders was an honour.

Adrienne McLean holds every 4th Thursday of the month the Professional Services Information Forum – Hornsby. This is for Business Owners, Professionals to connect, find out information on business development, marketing, sales and mindset as well as have some accountability. At this group, Professionals meet Professionals and business is realised due to the monthly connections made as well as understanding each others businesses so when the time is right, business can be done.

Adrienne is involved with many community associations including being on the board of Triple H 100.1FM, the voice of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai community. Adrienne helps with the management of the station, raises the profile and is a co-host of the popular Monday Focus – Triple H 100.1FM where Adrienne and her cohost Greg Smith interview local community leaders, politicians, charities, community clubs, and the general public. Local issues are raised, the amazing activities happening in the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai  community are identified.

Adrienne has been a judge and chief judge for the Lions Club Youth of the Year award since 2010. This Lions Club initiative gives Year 11 and Year 12 leaders at their school opportunities to be recognised for their leadership roles. Having gone through the intense Youth of the Year award process, a 30 – 45 minute interview and Public Speaking evening event, this can go onto the applicant’s resume and be recognised as a leader within their community.

In 2018, Adrienne was a volunteer on the Turramurra Rotary – Jumbo Joy Flight. This initiative gives disadvantaged families and disabled families a 90 minute flight on a QANTAS Jumbo Jet. The flight staff donate their time to give these children, who may never have experienced a flight, an experience the children, families, parents and volunteers never forget. This Rotary initiative has been going since 1974.

Since November 2016, Adrienne has been a regular participant at the Turramurra Trotters. Attending each Saturday morning at 6.15am and going for a 7km walk. There are Ultra Marathon Runners, Marathon Runners, Running enthusiasts, Cyclists and Walkers. By regularly turning up and walking , as Adrienne enjoys, fitness levels increase and connection with the community increases too. The coffee after the exercise session is a must !

Being a carer for 11 years, Adrienne has a presentation “Carers and our Society”. Adrienne delivers her overview of her family’s experience of having her father as a part of their family unit. Being apart of the Sandwich generation had learnings and accessing resources available are essential. If you are looking for a presentation on having three generations living together, caring for the parents, contact Adrienne for more details.

Being a members of Toastmasters International and ST ives Toastmasters since 2002 has been a life changing experience. This organisation helps raise confidence in public speaking and leadership skills. Adrienne has gone through the training and holds a Distinguished Toastmaster award.

For more details – contact Adrienne McLean on 0414 367 960 or email

5 Quick Tips to Improve your Marketing

We’re all looking for fast ways to improve our marketing and yet not take huge amounts of time away from helping our clients – Here’s 5 Quick Tips to Improve your Marketing

  1. Every day ring someone on your database and say hello!Catch up, see whats happening in their world , you can talk about whats happening for you but don’t bombard them with a sales pitch. Building the relationship is important thing –
  2. Make an effort and look for individuals who can help you grow your business. Then, find ways to meet them or be introduced to them. You may be able to meet them at a networking function or an event. Once contact is made work at growing your connection with this person, getting to know them and gently letting them know abut what you are doing and aiming to achieve.
  3. Give someone some business – introduce two people who you know who may be able to help each other. This shows you are as a leader, as a go to person who can assist others.
  4. Create some content – prepare a blog, video or social media post. Regularly prepare content that can be sent out to your clients or posted on social media. This will build up your speciality in an area and you can inform your clients and wider audience. Quality is important, connecting the content with your audience is also important and you can build yourself a niche being the expert in that field.
  5. Send 3 people an email , sharing compassion, sharing some information that you know they will be interested in and you can share about what you are doing at the moment. Again, don’t make it “salesy” – its to be friendly and connecting you with your network.

These marketing tips are not time consuming but will raise awareness of your business, build connects and relationships with your audience and develop you as an expert in your field. You can choose the timings – daily, weekly or monthly – fit these into your marketing to get your more clients!

If you would like to find out more then contact Adrienne McLean on or ring on 0414 367 960. The Daily Marketing Routine for Business Success can really help you with implementing these easy marketing steps.  Contact Adrienne for more details and you can attend our Marketing Information Forums where you can ask those niggling questions about marketing.

3 Essential Things about Marketing

There’s so much going on with marketing. There’s been huge changes in the methods used to market a business but funnily enough the fundamentals are the same.

There’s an enormous amount of noise – coming at business owners – from many directions and it is truely a challenge to filter through the noise to find out what is going to work for you and what can left on the side.

The 3 Essential Things about Marketing that can help you with this filtering process are:

  1. Marketing raises awareness of your business
    But its what happens next that will book the business. Not that you’ve done a huge amount of marketing – what happens is that potential buyers find out about you – through you’re marketing – then they come and check you out. The buyers ask “Can this business solve my problems?” If the answer is “Yes” then they will give an opportunity to earn their trust. When the timing is right for the buyer – and you have kept building a relationship with that buyer – then you will be “front of mind” – if you have your pricing right and can have a simple sales conversation – then you will book the business.
  2. Who are your Ideal Clients? 
    Who do you want to work for? Who energises you and inspires you to do your best work? You want to work with these people – right?
    Who drains the energy from you and challenges you every step of the way? These are the people you don’t want to work with – right again?
    It is your job to go out into the world, targeting a sector of the market place to find these people who you are meant to serve. These people will energise you and motivate you to do more marketing as you love what you do!
  3. Having a systematic approach will save you time and money –
    If you are a Service Provider, your main focus is on your clients ,however, it is important that you are regularly doing your marketing because generating new clients is essential – you might be busy now but if your audience isn’t constantly reminded about you and your business then they will forget and look elsewhere – so its important no its essential to have a systematic way of getting more clients.
    That’s where Adrienne can help with the powerful marketing system “BookYourselfSolid” – Adrienne McLean is a certified BookYourselfSolid Marketing coach – BookYourselfSolid is a systematic way of getting more clients – even if you hat marketing and sales conversations!
    By having a systematic method of getting more clients – it takes the stress out of knowing what to do next – you will know where to find your clients, have a clearly defined product range, know and understand your target market and who are your ideal clients and you will have a clearly defined foundation. So when you do your marketing , we call “Six Core Self Promotion Strategies” , you will be secure that your marketing efforts will have a significant impact planting seeds for the future and getting you more clients.

So by considering these 3 Essential Things about Marketing – it will really assist you to filter though all the noise and choose what will help you with growing and developing your business.

If you would like to find out more then contact Adrienne McLean on or ring on 0414 367 960. You can attend our Marketing Information Forums where you can ask those niggling questions about marketing.