Process, People, Productivity and Profit

So why in business are the 4 P’s – Process, People , Productivity and Profit so important?

Businesses do not exist with just good products. It doesn’t matter how fantastic the product is if the marketing and processes are not in place the product will not sell.

It is essential to be able to connect with the customers who need your service and who’s problem you solve. So having a sound marketing process is essential, as well as a number of others – sales, logistics, customer service, human resources, warehousing, finances and so on.

If you have good people around you supporting your vision, then the business will grow. The business is dependant on having skilled and positive people who understand their roles and the processes they are expected to undertake. Having the right people “on the bus” is important.

Productivity will increase by having good systems in place, detailing the activities along with the right people who share your vision and are positive and supportive. A combination of sound processes and the right people will increase productivity and support the business to achieve the goals in place.

Profit will follow by having the sound business processes, the right people and the efficiencies in the productivity. Having the business running as a well oiled machine will ultimately result in higher profits as the business is running efficently.

So the aim is to have the processes (in all areas of the business) running well, the right people sharing the same vision executing the work and working efficiently with high productivity.

So the 4 P’s – Process, People, Productivity and Profit combine together to create the business you are wanting. Are your 4 P’s ideal or are there areas to address?

That’s where an Implementation Strategist will focus – helping business owners to achieve the profit they desire by developing their processes, people and productivity.

An Implementation Strategist helps professionals to make things happen and move forward. Ring Adrienne McLean on 0414 367 960 or email on for more details.